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Navodila za uporabo

What Co-Hosts can do

Hosting stays can be easier with the support of Co-Hosts. From cleaning and turnover to welcoming and caring for guests, Co-Hosts can take on many hosting responsibilities. They may support you in different ways, so you can now set up permissions for each Co-Host to choose what they can access and manage on your listing.

Co-Host permissions

Co-Host permissions only determine what they can access on your listing on Airbnb, so you’ll still want to set expectations with your Co-Hosts about how they can help with your place. As the listing owner, you’re responsible for your Co-Hosts—even those added by full-access Co-Hosts—so be sure that they’re selected with care.

Choose the Co-Host permissions that work for the people who help you host:

  • Full access: Your Co-Host can message with guests and update your calendar. They can manage your listing, including pricing and other details, and they can manage reservations, including accepting and declining trip requests, cancellations, and Resolution Center requests. They can add or remove Co-Hosts, change any Co-Host’s permissions, and designate themselves—or another Co-Host—as the listing’s primary Host.
  • Calendar and inbox access: Your Co-Host can message with guests and can view but not edit the calendar.
  • Calendar access: Your Co-Host can view but not edit the calendar.

Please note that no Co-Host can view or change a listing owner’s or other Co-Host’s payout method or taxpayer info. Only listing owners can set up or edit a Co-Host’s payouts. Co-Hosts cannot submit requests for reimbursement under Host damage protection.

All Co-Hosts on a listing can message with the Host or another Co-Host on the same listing. Find out more about how messaging between Hosts and Co-Hosts works.

Choosing the right permissions

Co-Hosts who were added to your listing before we introduced these permissions have full access permissions by default. When you invite new Co-Hosts to your listing, you’ll need to choose their permissions. You can change a Co-Host’s permissions at any time, and changing permissions won’t affect Co-Host payouts.

This info can help guide you through which permissions will work best for each of your Co-Hosts, based on how they help you host and what you’ve agreed they’ll do.




Managing listings and Co-Hosts

Edit calendar—keep the listing’s availability up-to-date



Manage price settings, including seasonal pricing and longer stay discounts



Manage listing info—write titles and descriptions, take and upload photos, and edit other details



Invite or remove other Co-Hosts, without the listing owner’s approval



Get support from Airbnb for issues relating to their Airbnb account or their Co-Host payouts

Receive Co-Host payouts

Review Earnings dashboard, including upcoming and paid payouts




View Co-Host payouts set up by the listing owner



Manage permissions of Co-Hosts (including themselves)



Message with the Host or another Co-Host

View other Co-Hosts’ contact info

Set the primary Host for the listing



Remove themself as a Co-Host

Managing reservations and guests

Accept or decline trip requests



Create or respond to trip change requests—including canceling and changing dates and number of guests



View calendar—find out when guests check in and check out

Message with guests—get to know guests, answer questions, resolve issues, and coordinate check-in and checkout


Get support from Airbnb for reservation or guest issues


Send or request money using the Resolution Center



Write guest reviews



Kako spremeniti uporabniška dovoljenja za sogostitelje

Če želite izbrati, do česa lahko sogostitelj dostopa v vašem vnosu, storite naslednje:

  1. Kliknite razdelek Vnosi in izberite vnos, ki ga želite urediti.
  2. V urejevalniku vnosa kliknite Vaš prostor.
  3. Kliknite razdelek Sogostitelji in nato izberite sogostitelja.
  4. Določite dovoljenja za sogostitelja in kliknite gumb Shrani.

Če želite odstraniti dostop sogostitelja do vašega vnosa, preberite več o tem, kako odstraniti sogostitelja.

Kako povabiti novega sogostitelja in izbrati uporabniška dovoljenja

Če želite vnosu dodati novega sogostitelja, storite naslednje:

  1. Kliknite Vnosi in izberite vnos, ki ga želite urediti.
  2. V urejevalniku vnosa kliknite Vaš prostor.
  3. Kliknite razdelek Sogostitelji in nato Povabite sogostitelja.
  4. Vnesite sogostiteljevo državo ali regijo in telefonsko številko ali e-naslov ter kliknite gumb Naprej.
  5. Izberite ustrezna dovoljenja za sogostitelja in kliknite gumb Shrani.
  6. Preverite podrobnosti in kliknite gumb Pošlji.

Note: Hosts, or full access Co-Hosts, are responsible for ensuring that Co-Hosts have consented to receive invites by text or email. Know that only registered Airbnb users can receive invites by text and that depending on your Co-Host’s location or account settings, sending invitations by text may not be possible. If they haven't already done so, new Co-Hosts will need to complete identity verification before they can accept an invitation.

Find an experienced Co-Host

Co-Hosts may be a friend, a family member or someone you've hired to manage your listing. 

If you’re looking for a potential Co-Host, in some countries* you can connect with an experienced Co-Host nearby who has experience hosting on Airbnb and offers a variety of services to help support Hosts. You’ll stay in control of your listing while getting the help you need. Find an experienced Co-Host near you and start discussing how you’ll collaborate.

The experienced Co-Host Services Platform enables Hosts to connect with experienced Co-Hosts who provide a variety of hosting services. This platform service is powered by Airbnb Living LLC and Airbnb GSL Ltd and is currently available in the US, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

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