Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.
Navodila za uporabo

Kako poslati izpiske za potrditev plačila

After you've finished adding Payment Methods, we may send you a message saying that you need to verify it by submitting a credit or debit card statement. Need a recent statement? Try downloading it through your card issuer's website or mobile app.

Upload your statement

Your billing statement can be uploaded as a PDF or photo file. If you have a paper statement, take a photo of the first page that has your name and account information. If your statement is in digital form, take a screenshot, including the same information.

Block out account balances and transactions—we just need the last four digits of the account number to be visible.

What happens next

We’ll email you within 24 hours after submission to let you know if you can use the credit or debit card on Airbnb.

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