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Kako spremenim nastavitve sinhronizacije za povezane vnose?

If you prefer to manage listing details only on Airbnb, you can change your sync settings to Pricing and Availability Sync. If you want to manage your listing details within your software or on Airbnb, you can change your sync settings to Everything Sync.

  1. Log in to your Airbnb account
  2. Go to Listings
  3. For each of the listings you’d like to edit, select the check box next to the listing name
  4. Click or tap Edit selected
  5. Choose Sync settings
  6. Select Only Pricing and Availability or Everything and click or tap Save

Once you change your settings to Pricing and Availability, the listing details, including content and booking settings, must be managed on Airbnb. Discounts, additional fees, taxes, and availability settings can still be changed on Airbnb with this sync status.

If you change your sync settings to Everything, your listing details and photos can be changed within your software or on Airbnb.

All Airbnb Plus and Luxe listings are set to Pricing and Availability Sync and cannot be changed. For all other listings, you can change this setting at any time.

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