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Kako iščem prenočišča na Airbnbju s pomočjo sistema Concur Travel?

To search for Airbnb homes within Concur Travel:

  1. Make sure your company activates Airbnb within Concur Travel
  2. From the Trip Search page, choose Hotel
  3. Perform your search, and Airbnb homes will appear within your search results
  4. Click any Airbnb listing to get more information about the home and browse photos

Once you find the place you’d like to stay, click Book on Airbnb. You’ll then be sent to the Airbnb website to complete your reservation. If you don't have an Airbnb account, you'll need to create one before you can book.

When you finish booking, you’ll have the option to return to Concur to review your reservation. Your itinerary will automatically be sent to Concur and will be listed in the My Trips section of your Concur account.

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