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Navodila za uporabo

Kdaj in kje se bodo znova začela prirejati doživetja na Airbnbju?

Based on the guidance of governments, in-person Airbnb Experiences are paused in many countries.

We believe that taking this action in the short-term is necessary to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, and in the long-term preserve experiences as a trusted way to connect with others throughout the world.

Guest refund and coupon

All reservations that were canceled because of the Airbnb Experiences pause were automatically refunded in full. Guests also received a $25 coupon to join a future experience. Read more about guest cancellations here.

Timelines for reopening

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a global pandemic. To protect the health and safety of our community, in-person experiences were paused worldwide on March 18, 2020.

We started reopening experiences in May 2020 in countries/regions where it’s safe and permissible to do so.

Planning for future experiences

In countries/regions where in-person experiences remain paused, guests can book any available experience on a host’s calendar after November 1, 2021. We are continuing to monitor the situation globally, and will update the community if the situation changes.

Where experiences are unavailable

Most countries/regions are reopened for experiences and are currently hosting guests, with the exception of the following:


Hong Kong

Airbnb Experiences cancellation policies

The Airbnb Experiences cancellation policy applies to all reservations. For reservations made on or before March 14, 2020, cancellations related to COVID-19 are addressed under our extenuating circumstances policy. Review our COVID-19 extenuating circumstances article to learn about coverage of COVID-19 related circumstances.

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