Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.
Navodila za uporabo

Zakaj je moja kreditna kartica večkrat zavrnjena?

Credit cards can be declined for a number of reasons. Airbnb generally isn't notified of the specific reason.

Common issues

Check that you're entering your credit card number and billing address correctly, that your card has available funds, and that your card hasn't expired.

Contact your bank or card issuer

If you're getting an error when you try to pay, we recommend reaching out to your bank or credit card company for more information. Inform them of the amount and when tried to make the charge so they can let the transaction go through.

If your bank or card issuer isn't able to help, you may want to try another payment method.

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