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Razlika med sogostitelji in ekipami gostiteljev

There are two ways to get support hosting on Airbnb: Hosting teams and Co-Hosts.

A hosting team manages a place on behalf of the renter or owner, including their online listings and guests. The team may be a business or group of people the owner has a legal contract with.

Co-Hosts are more casual—like friends, family members, or a trusted person hired by the listing owner—who help the listing owner manage their listing and reservations. A Co-Host’s permissions are set by the listing owner and determine what they can help with.

How they’re presented to guests

  • Hosting teams: The account owner is always shown as the primary Host on a listing
  • Co-Hosts: The listing owner is the primary Host by default but may designate a full-access Co-Host to be shown as the primary Host

Access and permissions

  • Hosting teams: Team members may be able to access the transaction history and perform other in-depth functions, provided they’re granted those permissions by the account owner—learn about hosting team permissions
  • Co-Hosts: The listing owner chooses the Co-Host’s permission level based on what support the listing owner requires:
    • Full access: The Co-Host has full access to inbox, calendar, and transaction history, plus listing and Co-Host management
    • Calendar and inbox access: The Co-Host can message guests and view but not edit the calendar
    • Calendar access: The Co-Host can view but not edit the calendar

Find out more about what Co-Hosts can do.

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