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Pravni pogoji

Druga direktiva o plačilnih storitvah in zunanji ponudniki

Open Banking is the result of a regulation introduced by the European Banking Authority. It defines a platform to facilitate more competition and innovation. It will enable private and business clients to share their data securely with banks and third party providers, allowing them to compare products, initiate payments and request account information. The data is shared via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Airbnb, as part of this Payment Services Directive, has activated a testing facility available for authorized Third Party Providers to test API access since January 13, 2020.

If you are a Third Party Provider (TPP) approved by the competent authority in a member state of the European Economic Area, please use the following link to get access to this portal or to obtain additional information.

Statistics detailing the performance and availability of the different interfaces accessible to our clients can be found below:

Third Party Provider (TPP) users

  • Number of TPPs that have used the interface to provide services to customers (GL 7): 0
  • Number of requests sent by those TPPs to the ASPSP via the dedicated interface that have been replied to by the ASPSP (GL 7.1.45): 0
  • Number of incidents, problems (GL 8.1): 0
  • Number of resolved incidents, problems (GL 8.1): 0
  • Average incident resolving time (GL 8.1): N/A

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