Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.

Zakaj je bila moja promocija odstranjena?

We want to ensure promotions are great deals for guests and reward hosts who offer true discounts. We may remove a promotion if we determine that it violates the Host Discount Policy.

For example, when a host raises their price right before applying a promotion, or while the promotion is running, the discount can be misleading to guests and may be removed—because it’s based on an inflated price, rather than the price the host typically offers for those dates.

Removing promotions ensures the quality of discounts on Airbnb so that they’re based on true discounts that are great deals for guests. You may appeal such a decision by contacting customer service.

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