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Gostitelj doživetja

Potrjevanje dokumentacije o dovoljenju in zavarovanju

Taking guests out on a moped tour, diving trip, or other specialized activity? Sounds fun—just make sure you provide and maintain the required proof of a license, certification, or insurance.

Here’s the deal: If you can’t prove that you have the relevant and valid documentation needed to host your experience, then we must pause your experience until you’re back in compliance. And non-compliant Co-Hosts will be removed as a Co-Host from their experiences.

Your experience will be reinstated if your documents are verified as valid and up-to-date.

Validation is easy

We’ll send you a message with a link to upload your documentation for validation through our partner, Evident. We’ll even send you a reminder when your documents are about to expire. You’ll have 30 days to submit new documents for verification.

Verification requirements

Keep in mind, submitted documents must:

  • Be valid and not about to expire within 90 days
  • Match the name(s) on the documents listed on the Host’s Airbnb profile
  • Meet our license or insurance requirements
  • Be submitted with clear, legible supporting materials

Contacting Evident

Got a problem? You can contact Evident any time. Use the dropdown menu to select the relevant contact reason and the Evident support team will respond to you within 1–3 business days. They’ll help you if:

  • Your upload request link expired
  • You’re checking the status of your verification
  • Your experience no longer involves an activity that requires these documents
  • You’re having trouble uploading your documents
  • Your experience was paused due to expired documentation, and now you have updated documents

Learn more about what to do if your documents need updating.

Note: All experience Hosts and Co-Hosts must understand and comply with all legal and regulatory requirements that apply to their experiences. Check out these articles to learn more about responsible hosting.

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