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Sledenje vračilom denarja in potrdilom

Who likes searching through their wallet to find a receipt? No one! We’re here to help make it easy (just go to your Trips). If you’re searching for other things, like how to request a refund or where to find your VAT invoice, you’ve come to the right place.

Receipts and invoices

Don't spend all day searching for pesky receipts—let us help. To find your receipt or a VAT invoice from a completed reservation, go to Trips. You can then download or print the receipt for your records.

Find your receipt from a past booking
Steps to locate a receipt in your account.

Locating your VAT invoice
How and where to access your VAT invoices.

Charges and refunds

If you need a refund from your Host for a trip or Experience, message them first, then request one through the Resolution Center. If you’re eligible to get some money back, you’ll get it automatically within 10 days (maybe even sooner).

Request a refund
Get info on how and where to refund requests of any amount.

When you’ll get your refund
Read when most refunds arrive and how we send them.

Refunds for Experiences
Find details of what to do if you have a travel issue that prevents you from being able to complete an Airbnb Experience.

When you’ll pay for your reservation
Learn how timing differs by the type of booking you’re making and the location of the stay.

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