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Spremembe in odpovedi rezervacij ter vračila denarja gostiteljem

Sometimes things come up and either you or your guest has a change of plans. To keep things running smoothly, here’s helpful info on how to cancel, what happens if you do, and how to use the Resolution Center.

If guests make changes

If your guest cancels, we’ll notify you and automatically unblock the dates on your calendar so you can host other guests. But what about your payout? If you’ve hosted before it’ll be released to you 24 hours after your guest’s scheduled check-in time. If this is your first time hosting, we may hold it until 30 days after the reservation was confirmed.

If a guest cancels
Find out how payouts, refunds, and your calendar are affected if a guest cancels their reservation.

Responding to a guest’s trip change request
Learn what happens when a guest wants to change the details of their confirmed reservation (ex: shorten their trip or add nights).

Your payout if a guest cancels
Read what happens to your payout if a guest cancels (either before or during a trip).

If you make changes

Because cancellations disrupt guests' plans and impact confidence in the Airbnb community, try to host all reservations. If you can’t, go to the Today tab and select the reservation you want to cancel or change, but know that if you do cancel, penalties are involved—things like a cancellation fee or a blocked calendar.

Canceling a reservation as a Host
Read about how and when you can cancel a reservation.

Cancellation penalties for Hosts of stays
Learn about penalties applied for Host cancellations.

Modifying a reservation as a Host
How to submit a change request to your guest and when it will be updated.

Refund your guest
Find out how you refund a guest, before, during, or after a stay.

How the Resolution Center helps you
Learn how the Resolution Center lets you request or send money for things related to your Airbnb trip.

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